SUMMARY: Research by the epidemiologists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that asthma is the most common underlying condition seen in severe cases of swine flu patients. The study revealed 26 percent of hospitalized swine flu patients had asthma. Other common underlying conditions included chronic lung disease, HIV and pregnancy.
All influenzas impact the respiratory system, potentially leading to complications such as pneumonia or other flu-related serious conditions.  The current H1N1 strain poses a more significant threat because it has been shown to manifest deeper in the lungs than seasonal flu.  It is logical, then, that any concurrent condition of the lungs or immune system will heighten the potential for complications from H1N1.  While it is recommended that everyone get immunized against both H1N1 and seasonal flu, the protection offered by vaccination is especially important for those with a comorbidity such as those cited in this study.