
20th AnniversaryOn July 23rd, the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies hosted Seeing Ins't Always Believing: The Realities of Imaging Technology and Neuroscience. This seminar addressed the various ways in which neuroimaging technology has advanced, and how these new developments can be used to achieve the goals of the BRAIN Initiative. The President’s Initiative has spearheaded an effort to map and understand the human brain, and novel neuroimaging technologies need to be developed in order to accomplish this goal. Neuroimaging encompasses the set of techniques that researchers use to create a structural and/or functional map of the nervous system.

Speakers included Dr. Marvin Chun (Yale University), Dr. Paul Vaska (Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University), and Dr. Jennifer Buss (Center of Neurotechnology Studies at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies.)

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

20th AnniversaryThe Potomac Institute for Policy Studies’ Center for Neurotechnology Studies held a symposium to discuss the biggest mystery to mankind, the mind, through the convergence of neuroscience, biologics, nanotechnology, and the digital revolution. The digital, biologics, and nanotechnology disciplines have all provided their own technological leaps for society, from machine intelligence to nano-scale smart devices. Neuroscience is on the cusp of its own leap forward: it is has great potential to restore and augment human, cognitive, and physical abilities. Enhancing human intelligence through technology will revolutionize business, education, communication, and the way in which society functions. As part of the 2014 Neuroscience Policy Symposia Series, the symposium continued to elaborate on the need for the expansion of the BRAIN Initiative into a National Neurotechnology Initiative. The distinguished individuals at this symposium will draw from their experience in industry, government, and academia to discuss important topics in neuroscience and the future of intelligence. Technology that enhances intelligence and humans will be invaluable to society.
