Blending Art and Science for Learning and Innovation

MusicSpaceThe Potomac Institute is exploring how to fully integrate the Arts to improve the Sciences, and the Sciences to improve the Arts.  
The goal of this project is to develop a pilot program to increase creativity and collaboration by bringing together these areas of learning. 
Over the last decade, the call for more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) students has steadily gotten louder. Studies linking music training to increased capacity for spatial-temporal thinking have also pointed to an increased math ability. This in part drove the addition of the “A” for “Art and Design” to STEM, making it STEAM. The STEAM moniker made some important gains in linking arts to the sciences, but the next step is a true integration of arts and sciences, learning to strengthen both areas, particularly at the secondary school education level.  
The concept behind this project is to meld science and art education, thereby creating better integrated learning settings where multiple fields are taught together. Encouraging cross-disciplinary learning and creating stronger innovators of the future. Our initial focus will examine how the arts and sciences can work together to generate dynamic solutions in both fields. The follow-on pilot program will target communities where funding for arts and sciences are lacking for secondary level education students. The goal is to integrate a cross-disciplinary mindset at this level of learning to help students identify and apply creative STEAM solutions as they continue developing their education.  
If you would like to learn more, participate as we develop the strategies and plans for this project, or would just like to keep up with our progress. please fill out this form.