- A Microelectronic “Canary in a Coal Mine”
- AI Technology to Increase US Government Transparency
- Authentication Using Biometrics: How to Prove Who You Are
- Autonomous Vehicles: What’s the Deal?
- Book Review: The Singularity Series by William Hertling
- Can Humans Think?
- Concerns Over the Continued Health and Quality of the US Basic Research Enterprise
- Counting Things that Count Assessing the Fundamental Missions of Research and Development Organizations
- Department of Defense’s Innovation Experiment
- It's Laboratory or Goodbye
- Lessons Learned in Science and Technology Policy
- Re-Embrace American Science and Technology Reimagine, Reinvent, Restart
- Space to Breathe: The Argument for a New Outer Space Treaty
- Sword of Heat
- Technology Opportunities for National Prosperity
- The Cost of Access
- The Death of Moore’s Law
- The Hypersonic Conundrum
- The Navigator Awards
- US National Security in a New Era of Intense Global Competition
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