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RSEC is structured to assist in any regulatory policy issue.  It is capable of producing timely recommendations that have a high probability of causing impact and ensuring that the regulatory issues focused on are important to making a better tomorrow.  The output from the RSEC activities produces transparency regarding the science and engineering practices used to create regulations and thus provides great assistance to those charged with developing them.  A major intent of the RSEC is to provide resources/tools, such as peer-review and assessment of S&T, for those who engage in the development and implementation of regulatory policy.  To stay true to our vision and mission, the activities of the RSEC will include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Provide a repository of individuals who can provide relevant insights to those engaged in the development or implementation of regulatory policy.
  • Conducts frequent focused seminars and workshops on critical regulatory science issues to produce transparent, timely information that can inform the debate.
  • Produce and publish material continually rather than waiting to create large study reports.
  • Actively seek opportunities to assist government agencies, academia and industry on regulatory science issues.
  • Provide resources for peer-review and assessment of science and technology in regulatory policy.
  • Develop powerful and useful regulatory science and engineering tools designed to meet the precise needs of U.S. policymakers.

Below you will find links to the various activies RSEC routinely participates in.