
Senior Fellow Peggy Evans Highlights Merits And Challenges Of New Approach

One federal agency is trying to move past the slow approach of procuring emerging technology, and one of Potomac Institute's Senior Fellows applauds the effort to open the process to a wider group and making standards well-known, but advises addressing up front how reimbursement should be managed.

In a recent Federal News Radio article, found here, Senior Fellow Peggy Evans talks about the new Defense Intelligence Agency project, "Needipedia," which could be ready by January 2014.   Because the existing procurement process takes months, DIA put together a basic list of niche needs on a website, and the process also allows industry experts to present ideas; the intent is to shorten the process by not using RFP's every time a new requirement is identified.

Peggy Evans acknowledges the need to open up the process and make it more agile for the government and for industry, but cautioned that getting paid is extremely important to the technology industry.  Addressing those concerns early can make this a successful, responsive application that helps everyone involved.