About the Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities (CETO)
The Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities (CETO) is an internal Marine Corps think tank dedicated to developing new ideas and concepts in direct support of the Commanding General Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (CG MCWL)/ Director of the Marine Corps' Futures Directorate under the Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration. This support covers the full spectrum of combat development-related missions and tasks, to include the assessment of future threats and adversaries and associated geographic, environmental, economic, and demographic conditions that may influence the development of future warfighting concepts, experimentation, and required capabilities in the areas of Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities. CETO was established in November 2000 at the direction of the Senate Armed Service Committee's Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities out of a growing concern for the wide range of security challenges the United States will face in the 21st century. CETO reports to CG MCWL through the Chief of Staff and routinely provides direct support to MCWL’s functional divisions. Its primary products are major studies, formal papers, reports, assessments, briefings, seminars and conferences.