Executive Courses


Course Details

Next Course Date: September 25 and 26, 2024 Location: Potomac Institute Ballston Headquarters (Arlington, VA)

The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies is your source for professional learning on policy issues related to science and technology. At a time where there are many unknowns, misinformation, and evolving technologies, it is important to have a trusted source for your educational and professional growth.


The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies provides executive level courses where we discuss timely policy issues with our highly knowledgeable team of subject matter experts. These courses are geared towards professionals in government, industry, and academia. A diverse group of participants allows us to address multiple perspectives as we form greater understandings of the important issues and explore collaborative solutions.


Our executive courses provide the opportunity to learn in a small group setting with our experienced faculty members. If you are looking to expand your mindset in understanding the world of science and technology policy, then this is the place for you.


Are you interested in bringing the Institute’s Executive Courses to your organization? We design courses to meet the needs of specific clients and organizations. If your organization is interested in building employee capacity and understanding of a certain topic, we can design a curriculum to meet your needs. We host on-site or hybrid courses as half-day sessions, full day sessions, or lead a monthly series on the topic of your choice.  

Click here to see a sample of our previous course offerings.

Registration Link for Upcoming Courses

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